Vergangenheit. Siehe hier oder hier. Zitat:
The problem is that the brain stem originally controlled breathing in fish; it has been jerry-rigged to work in mammals. Sharks and bony fish all have a portion of the brain stem that regulates the rhythmic firing of muscles in the throat and around the gills. The nerves that control these areas all originate in a well-defined portion of the brain stem.We can even see this nerve arrangement in some of the most primitive fish in the fossil record. Ancient ostracoderms, from rocks over 400 million years old, preserve casts of the brain and cranial nerves. Just as in living fish, the nerves that control breathing extend from the brain stem.
This works well in fish, but it is a lousy arrangement for mammals. In fish the nerves that control breathing do not have to travel very far from the brain stem. The gills and throat generally surround this area of the brain. Mammals have a different problem. Our breathing is controlled by muscles in the wall of our chest and by the diaphragm, the sheet of muscle that separates chest from abdomen. Contraction of the diaphragm controls inspiration. The nerves that control the diaphragm exit our brain just as they do in fish, and they leave from the brain stem, near our neck. These nerves, the vagus and the phrenic nerve, extend from the base of the skull and travel through the chest cavity to reach the diaphragm and the portions of the chest that control breathing. This convoluted path creates problems; a rational design would have the nerves traveling not from the neck but from somewhere nearer the diaphragm. Unfortunately, anything that interferes with one of these nerves can block their function or cause a spasm.
Eigentlich ist es nicht so, dass man diese Erklärung für den Schluckauf unbedingt benötigt. Viele Wissenschaftler sehen ihn als für den Fötus notwendigen Reflex, der die Atemmuskulatur trainiert und ihn auf das Leben an der Luft vorbereitet. Die geschlossene Stimmritze verhindert dabei das Eindringen von Fruchtwasser. Nach der Geburt wird dieser Reflex nicht mehr benötigt und tritt auch immer seltener auf. Dass er überhaupt nach der Geburt noch auftritt, könnte innerhalb des ID-Paradigmas als Auswirkung von Degeneration gesehen werden.
Aber so hat man halt eine coole Story, vor allem auf Partys, wenn jemand Schluckauf bekommt.
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