Bereits im Bonusmaterial von Der privilegierte Planet war Danielson auf diesen modernen Mythos eingegangen. Auch über das dem Film zugrundeliegende Buch hatte sich Danielson positiv geäußert:
"Impressively researched and lucidly written, The Privileged Planet will surely rattle if not finally dislodge a pet assumption held by many interpreters of modern science: the so-called Copernican Principle (which isn't actually very Copernican!). But Gonzalez and Richards' argument, though controversial, is so carefully and moderately presented that any reasonable critique of it must itself address the astonishing evidence which has for so long somehow escaped our notice. I therefore expect this book to renew-and to raise to a new level-the whole scientific and philosophic debate about earth's cosmic significance. It is a high class piece of work that deserves the widest possible audience."Wer weiß, vielleicht findet sich ja in Zukunft noch das eine oder andere Argument aus TPP in ansonsten dem wissenschaftlichen Mainstream untergeordneten Magazinen wieder...
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